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Nepal Earthquake

My Fellow Rotarians in D1220

You will all have seen the dreadful news that his coming out of Nepal. I know that there are many clubs and individuals within D1220 that have strong links with the country. I am sure that many of you are also wondering about the safety of the GSE Team who visited a couple of years ago. David Hood who took our team out is in intermittent contact with Nugal their team leader and who is also the current District Secretary in D3292, and he will be our link for news. I can inform you that I have today been informed that all the GSE Team members and their families are safe.

Regarding relief support, as you may be aware RIBI have set up a Donations Trust which will be used to fund projects to help get the country back on its feet. However and more urgently there is an immediate need for shelter and clean water.

I am therefore asking all clubs in D1220 to support our own Aquabox, who have already sent boxes to Nepal and Shelter Box with funds. I also felt that there needed for a co-ordinated response from District and we have therefore, also decided to set up a Nepal Disaster Relief Fund within the District, which will be administered by the International Disaster Response Committee consisting of Myself as DG, Roger Summers as DGE, Cheryle Berry as District International Officer Rtn David Hood (AG Peak) as the Nepal GSE Team Leader who also has direct contact with Nepal and PDG Gordon in his capacity as RGBI coordinator. I therefore ask that any monies clubs may wish to donate be paid direct to the Treasurer of District 1220 with the cheques made out to Rotary D1220 and I would ask that you endorse them on the reverse with the words Nepal Disaster Fund, this will enable the Treasurer to easily identify any donation. Also attached is the leaflet from RIBI and a message from Nugal received by David.

The committee will us the monies generated as and where needed in Nepal via the district 3292 disaster relief fund that was set up two years ago just for events that they have just experienced. The committee will keep you all informed on a regular basis on our income and expenditure.


Yours in Rotary
District Governor Steve

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Rotary in Action

News from Rotary District 3292 (Nepal) Secretary Nugal Vaidya.

Hours after the earthquake struck, District Governor Rabindra Piya called an Emergency Meeting of the “DISTRICT DISASTER RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE”.

The devastation in the Kathmandu Valley and around the country soon became clear. The Rotary Club of New Road City had a fellowship meeting in a hotel at the time of the quake, and the building collapsed trapping many of the members. Most were rescued but at this time others are still trapped. The Disaster Relief Committee is setting up an appeal to help with the immediate relief and to respond to a sustainable rebuilding of communities. With Government participation we plan to build 1000 low cost homes in the rural areas. In the short term there is an urgent need for Shelter, food and safe drinking water and we are asking for help from Rotary around the world.

Rotary Clubs in GB&I will have many friends and contacts in Nepal through both GSE team contacts and the many Club projects carried out all over Nepal. Clubs may wish to help their direct contacts, and I have already heard from some. However, Rotary GB&I have now set up the RIBI Donations Trust for the Nepal Earthquake appeal. This is for the long term, sustainable community projects we will support once the immediate emergency has been dealt with. Donations can be sent to Elisabeth Tritschler at Alcester or: online through our BTmydonate page

In the mean time you are also asked to support our Box Schemes who report as follows:

Aquabox have boxes in District 3292 and they will be distributed immediately. 180 Aquabox Golds and 20 Community Filters have been released to the Devon and Somerset Fire Brigade who have close contacts with Nepal and are sending a team out to assist.. Aquabox also have contact with the Ghurkha regiment who have distributed boxes in the past. More boxes are available and more are being packed subject to funding.

Shelter Box have sent a team out immediately and Rotary in Nepal have already asked for Shelter Boxes to be supplied as shelter is a major concern.

Water Survival Box have released all their boxes ( approx 400) to Humanity First UK who they have worked with very successfully in previous disasters and more boxes have been offered when available.

There three schemes have responded immediately and will need financial support both to provide their boxes as well the cost of Distribution. Disaster Aid UK and Ireland are assessing the situation and will be giving support for the rebuilding of communities once the initial urgent needs are met.

Gordon McGlone on behalf of the Rotary GB&I International Committee

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The Undermentioned is the text from an e-mail from Nugal to David Hood followed by an update from the D3292 Disaster Relief Fund committee:

[su_note note_color=”#fff1a8″]Subject: RE: appeal to rotary clubs on recent devastating earthquake

Dear David, Thank you for your immediate mail and concerned appeal at your district.

Although we transport Aquaboxes through sea cargo and through British Gurkha for additional cost saving which cause the delivery quite considerable weeks, it still will be valid and most useful as the devastation here is so terrible throughout the country. The damage and causalities in Kathmandu valley itself is so huge and frantic. So any help you can gather and send in this relation would be highly welcome. I have mentioned about your immediate actions and concern in our Council of Governors meeting today. Very fortunately I have electricity at my home from today but still we all are outside at open camps and my internet has started to work from today. Other e-mails I sent was from a friend’s house in distance. I think Community Filters would be also very much needed in considerations of hundred thousands of houses destroyed.

We are also receiving tremendous solidarity and response from other international partners as well and we hope to contribute significantly together in this need of hour which is going to take a considerable span of time.

Regards. Nugal



Further to my text message to you yesterday regarding the devastating earthquake taking huge toll and damage in Kathmandu valley and around the country, the EMERGENCY MEETING of “District Disaster Relief Fund committee” met today in Bagaincha restaurant in presence of many PDG, Rotarians, Rotaracts/Interacts Officials despite a major earthquake went in the afternoon and another severe one was being talked about.


From April 25, 2015 a major earthquake of 7.9 rector took place 11:53am with many aftershocks claiming too many lives and causalities and damaging numerous houses and structures. Looking at the nature and calamity taking place District Secretary and Member Secretary Nugal Vaidya and the District Governor Rabindra Piya with other Governors and Rotarians were in touch taking the stock and nature of the incident Nugal sent SMS text message circular to Presidents, AG’s and Rotarians in late afternoon in response to the call of the hour urging them not to panic and focus in their respective residence area only to help the families and the neighborhood to make them safe; to take stock of the incidents in their area and inform District Administration so that required attentions could be given; to circulate this message to every Rotarians in their respective clubs.

Incidents reported were:

  1. RC of New Road City had a fellowship club meeting in Chisapani Hotel BBC and unfortunately the building collapsed and most of them were buried inside and later 7 of them rescued with 2 still trapped down in the debris. DG Rabindra and DS Nugal was following up this through Dr. Harsha, Chartered President and other members of the club but their dire effort to evacuate through helicopter airlift could materialized only today Monday early morning through Nepal Army and Private Airlines. 1 dead and 2 still missing with 6 injured were evacuated. Gopal Kakshapati, Yadav Kharel and K B Chettri assisted in the process.
  2. Gorkha was another severely hit area and AG Pawan Raman Khanal is in constant touch with the district.
  3. AG Ashok Shrestha was also in constant touch taking the stock of Dhulikhel-Banepa area with DS Nugal and contacting International aid agencies also.
  4. In the absence of electricity and internet, in late evening Gopal Kakshapati assisted Nugal to send his emergency call letter to Shelter Box for their SRT and aid. It was immediately responded by Sam Hewett and SRT volunteer Phil is arriving Kathmandu tonight.
  5. Today another incident of PE Purushottam Manandhar from RC Mount Everest was reported by PP Rajesh Thapa. His house was also severely damaged and his spouse injured.
  6. DG Rabindra Piya, DGE Keshav Kunwar, DGE Jaya Shah was in frequent communication with DS Nugal, regarding the situation updates and call from batch mates and RI Officials including RIPE Ravindaram to express their solidarity and willingness to help.
  7. RC Sainbu Bhaisepati has a dire need to help at least the desperate Women with new born baby and her family with their house totally demolished by the earthquake in their community, many houses are brought down there.
  8. DS Nugal was in constant touch with APF and DSP Jeevan KC in the Central National Disaster Relief Committee in Home Ministry. And today Ministry has sent their requirement list for relief distribution of a total of 2,250 Shelter Box around the country and significant dry food aid.
  9. Through Dr. Madan Piya, PP RC of Patan West, a team of Rotarians from Singapore with relief materials are arriving tonight.
  10. The death toll has reached 1700 + and is ever increasing with huge number of injured and houses damaged and collapsed.


  1. District Disaster Relief Fund Committee has decided to set Nrs. 30,00,000 as a special case in consideration to the magnitude of devastation and occurrence in reporting.
  2. It was decided to raise and contribute Nrs. 1,00,00,000 from Rotary to contribute towards this Earthquake incident.
  3. It was decided to request all the Rotarians in all the clubs in the district to contribute at least Nrs. 1,000 each within month of May as their solidarity in contributing towards this natural disaster.
  4. District Interact present promised to raise minimum Nrs. 50,000 from Interacts.
  5. District Rotaract present promised to raise minimum Nrs. 1,00,000.
  6. It was also decided to call through district or through respective rotary club networks for Rotary related International help in terms of money and in service.
  7. It was decided to focus on earthquake victim related relief about 80% and panic public relief about 20% in case to case basis.
  8. A target of building 1,000 low cost houses in the calamity hit rural areas in community and government participation, where Rotary will match Nrs. 1,000 each. District to start discussing the subject with the government.
  9. Rotary preference would be in Gorkha and Sindhupalchowk area but not restricted to in relation to the resource building and necessity in case to case basis.
  10. Few Focal Persons nominated in the Emergency Task Force beside the District Disaster Relief related committee are added:
    1. Food Aid Purchase and distribution – Ashok Shrestha
    2. Non food aid purchase and distribution – Chintamani Bhattarai
    3. Medical Team aid and assistance – Dr. Madan Piya, Gopal Kakshapati
    4. Shelter related aid and Nepal Government need assessment – Nugal Vaidya, Binod Koirala
    5. International Rotary networking – DG Rabindra Piya, DGE Keshav Kunwar, DGN Jaya Shah
    6. Volunteering: K. B. Chettri, Bishnu Bdr. Karki, DRR Amit Bajracharya, IRR Prakshayapan Prasai,
    7. Rescue – Yadav Kharel, M. K. Jha, Rajiv Pokharel
    8. Policy making – District Disaster Relief Fund Committee
  11. Request Clubs to work closely with District Disaster Relief Committee of Nepal Government for relief works
  12. Other relative decisions to follow in conjunction to the developments and crisis status
  13. Relief works on short term and long term basis

Thus, kindly discuss and circular this to your members and do the needful at the earliest. Your proactive contributions are very much sought and well appreciated. Thank you.

Nugal Vaidya
District Secretary
Member Secretary, District Disaster Relief Fund Committee


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