New Management
This site is now under new management. Please bear with the new webmaster. Normal service will be resumed asap. It has been an honour to maintain this site since 2002 and I wish the new webmaster every success in the future – Mark Snape

2023-2024 Theme


District Governor for 2023-2024
Richard Vergette – Epworth and the Isle of Axholme


Get on board with our new partnership!

Get Climate Clever with Kids Against Plastic!


Shop for Charity

Click here for further information

  • District News

    • Children’s Hospice Support

      Market Rasen Rotarians, led and organised by Rotarian Dianne Tuckett, were grateful for the kindness of Tesco in Market Rasen, allowing Rotarians to collect at their store, just prior to Christmas, 2023. Equally, Rotarians were grateful for the generosity of shoppers at the store, who contributed a massive £586.77.

      Read more… Sat Apr 6th

    • Tools with a new life?

      Will it, won’t it? —-Were the words being passed around Market Rasen Rotarians today as they tried to fit all their collected items for TWAM into the van sent to collect our goods.

      Read more… Sat Apr 6th

    • Supporting Ukraine with Power !

      Market Rasen Rotary is raising money as part of a national Rotary project to send generators to Ukraine. Over £126,000 has already been raised, plus £5000 by Market Raisen.

      Read more… Sun Mar 3rd

    • Get Climate Clever!

      We are delighted to announce our partnership with the amazing Kids Against Plastic who would love you to be

      Climate Clever!

      KAP have lots of helpful information to help step you through becoming Climate Clever and helping schools in your area to be Climate Clever, too! Please visit this link to sign up your Rotary […]

      Read more… Mon Dec 11th

    • New source of free images

      The Centre for Aging Better has launched an image library. Photos in the library, which depict older people in non-stereotypical ways, are available to download for free.

      Read more… Fri Oct 20th

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