Become a Sustaining Member
A Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member is a person who contributes US$100 (approx. £72 plus gift aid £90.00) or more per year to the Annual Programmes Fund.
Why are Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members critical to the Foundation?
Rotarians recognise that without sustained support of the Annual Programme Fund, the programmes of the Rotary Foundation cannot happen however, with a contribution of US$100 (£6.00 per month plus Gift Aid and apply the exchange rate) we could really help needy people the world over, supporting the continued growth of programmes.
Become a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member Today
When you make a contribution to Rotary, you can be assured that your gift will be used to its fullest by Rotarians throughout the world.
Rotarians who donate US$100 or more to the Annual Programmes Fund will automatically become Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members.
Each sustaining Members gift to The Rotary Foundation is a gift of hope to those less fortunate. Every gift truly makes a difference to someone’s life.
Some of us give our donation as part of our subscription. H.M. Revenue & Customs state in their rules that all donations should be freely given. If a donation is added to the subs HMRC apparently takes the view that this may not be freely given/voluntary donation and so to meet the spirit of the law it is necessary to make payment with two cheques if it is an annual payment. If on the other hand the member either sent the money as an individual donation this would qualify and Gift Aid would increase to donation to Rotary Foundation UK (RFUK) or alternatively you could fill in a Standing Order Form paying just £6.00 per month £18.00 per quarter again Gift Aiding the donation payable to Rotary Foundation UK (RFUK).
The Benefits
- You are making a gift of hope to those less fortunate than yourself.
- You can track your personal giving.
- You will accumulate your own Paul Harris Fellow Recognition credits or you can transfer the credits.
- Members can pool their credits for the benefit of another.
- The giving is recognised as part of the Annual Programmes Fund giving for your Club and District.
- There is a Sustaining Members Pin.
- Your Club Treasurer does not have to keep records or submit a Gift Aid Claim.
What is required?This is your decision however, may I suggest minimum payment of £6.00 per month or £18.00 per quarter paid by Standing Order and, if you are a UK Tax Payer please Gift Aid your donation.

How Does Gift Aid Work?
Gift Aid works by allowing charities to take a donation (which is money on which the donor has already paid tax), and then reclaim tax on its ‘gross’ equivalent (its value before tax is deducted) at the basic rate.
What Do I Have To Do?
Visit https://www.rotarygbi.org/donate/ and complete the Standing Order mandate. Select ‘Annual Fund’. If you need your membership number, contact your club secretary who can get it from DMS.
Don’t Delay Do It Today!