Ashfield District Council and Kirkby Rotary Club have been working together to highlight Rotary international’s ‘Eradicate Polio’ campaign.
To raise awareness of the continuing fight against the disease that still affects parts of the developing world, purple crocus bulbs have been planted by pupils at Kirkby’s Morven Park School. The planting took place on October 22nd to coincide with the international Eradicate Polio Day from funding provided by the Council. The ADC Corporate Communications Manager issued a news release and photograph to local media.
President Paul Riley said: “Rotary has been involved in the eradication of polio for around thirty years and the end is now in sight. We are delighted that Ashfield District Council has supported us by supplying the bulbs for the children to plant.”
At the same time, the Council themselves set several thousand of the purple crocus bulbs in Morven Park next to the school. More were planted early this month by pupils at Orchard and Kingsway Primary Schools in Kirkby, with Bracken Hill School following as we go on-line. Rotary Club of Kirkby in Ashfield are also raising funds by selling crocus badges and bags of bulbs.