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Virtual Quiz raises funds for food bank

Epworth & Isle of Axholme Rotary held their annual quiz on Friday 24th April – via their Facebook page. This went really well – thanks to Rotarian Sally Hughes – 7.30pm – pictures were posted first – then a selection of questions at ½ hour intervals.

The answers were posted online at 9pm.

Lots of people took part and £516 was raised for Epworth Baptist Church Foodbank.

Great fun and FAB result.


Realising that many of the VE Day celebrations will be curtailed or cancelled, we’re going to run another quiz on Friday 8th May. Exactly the same procedure – questions will be uploaded at 15 minute intervals from 7.30pm and answers posted at 9pm.

The theme of the quiz will be World War 2. Again, we’re asking for donations for the foobank, BUT realising that many of you contributed most generously last time, the emphasis is on having a bit of fun!! Please do join us again and do please share this post.

Many thanks and stay safe.

Carol Walsh reports.

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