
DG Dave’s March Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

1st March 2013

Sponsored Walk for Bluebell Wood and Rainbows

As I have mentioned previously I am planning to walk from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows to raise fund for these two hospices. The arrangements for the walk have now been more or less finalised. There have been some changes to the route that we originally originally thought. The planned itinerary at present is :-

Date Time Activity Location
Friday May 3rd 9am Arrive Bluebell Wood Hospice – send off party
11am Depart Bluebell Wood Hospice
5pm Arrive The Proact Stadium, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield
Saturday May 4th 9am Depart The Proact Stadium, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield
12.30pm Arrive The Temple Hotel, Temple Walk, Matlock Bath
2pm Depart The Temple Hotel, Temple Walk, Matlock Bath
5.30pm Arrive The Lion Hotel, Bridge Street, Belper
Sunday May 5th 10am Depart The Lion Hotel, Bridge Street, Belper
1pm Arrive The Queen’s Counsel, Market Place, Ilkeston
2pm Depart The Queen’s Counsel, Market Place, Ilkeston
4.30pm Arrive Cafe Zing, High Street, Long Eaton
Monday May 6th 8am Breakfast Cafe Zing, High Street, Long Eaton
9am Depart Cafe Zing, High Street, Long Eaton
4pm Arrive Rainbows Hospice, Lark Rise, Loughborough

The total distance of the walk is in the region of 65 miles.

Joining me for all or part of the walk will be the District Sergeant at Arms, Owen J. Briggs, Rtn Andy Ledbetter of Dronfield Club, Rtn. David Turner of Kirkby in Ashfield Club, Rtn. Roger Sissons of RC of Ilkeston, Phil Stone from Ilkeston and Rtn Tim Wherly of the Derby club.

Anyone else who would like to take part is very welcome. If members of any club are able to join us en route at any stage that would be great. Please let me know.

We would be immensely grateful to any Rotarians who feel able to support us financially in this venture and to this end I have attached a sponsorship form to this newsletter that can be used by any club or any individual.

There is also now the opportunity for any cyclists among us to cycle from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows on Monday 6th May, hopefully arriving about the same time as the walkers. My two son in laws, Craig and Chris have “volunteered” to do this. If you are interested please let me know.

If anyone would like to know anything further about this walk please do get in touch.  Thank you.

H2H Walk – Sponsorship form

Club Visioning

Noel Harrison, the District Membership Services Chairman has now circulated all clubs with the opportunity to take part in “Visioning” and has had a number of clubs already asking to take part. It is a simple process that clubs can undertake to establish their long term goals, identify projects they would like to be undertaking etc etc over a five year period. It then offers the opportunity to prepare an Action Plan to achieve these goals. The experience of clubs in other parts of the world is that members have felt re-energized and membership has increased.

If your club wants to take part – and all members must want to be involved – then get in touch with Noel. We have teams trained and ready to assist, just waiting for the call.

Rotary Day – 23rd February

Rotary Day – our organisation’s 108th birthday – has just past. I trust that all Clubs in the District recognised this event in some way. I know that many were out on the streets collecting for the polio campaign. There are still some clubs that have not taken advantage of having a box or two of the pin-on crocuses for use at collections. If your club is one of them please give me a call and I will get a box to you. If your club did something – big or small – please let me know by email so I can get a picture of the whole District.

Rotary Foundation and “End Polio Now”

My last task in February was attending the District Foundation Grants Seminar. Forty clubs attended in order to gain the necessary qualification to be able to avail themselves of grants under the “Future Vision” structure. One of the issues that was raied a number of times was that our giving to Foundation over recent years has been on a downward path. If we wish to have the funds available in District for our projects than it is necessary for us to reverse this trend and increase our giving, more to the recommended level. (Next year £47 per person)

Please do your bit to achieve this figure. And remember Clubs that do not make a sufficient contribution will not be able to avail themselves of the funds.

As I have gone round the District I have been stressing the need to keep up donations to the “End Polio Now” campaign which is still vital to ensure eradication. With only two cases of polio reported in the last two and a half months we can really now see that we are in the final stages of the project. Don’t let it fail now.

Talking about fund raising for Polio, don’t forget the Race Evening at Southwell Racecourse on Friday, 19th April 2013. This event last year was a great success in every respect (except the weather which was just a bit chilly). Let’s make it even better this year.

Diary Dates

Date Event
Wednesday 13th March District Foundation Link Evening at The Civic Centre,Mansfield, 7pm for 7.30pm
Sunday 24th March Paul Harris Fellows Lunch – Novotel
Tuesday 26th March District Quiz Final, Horsley lodge
Wednesday 27th March District Council Meeting at The Novotel at 7.30pm
Friday 19th April District Race Night at Southwell
Saturday 20th April District Assembly, Nottingham Trent University
3rd – 6th May Sponsored Walk from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows by DG and Others
Sunday 5th May District Young Musician Concert at Derby Assembly Rooms
Sunday 16th June Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Parish Church, Church Street, Ripley at 3pm. Refreshments afterwards.

Dave Ashley

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Calling Paul Harris Fellows

DGE Peter Moralee, on behalf of District Governor David Ashley, invites Paul Harris Fellows and partners to the annual Paul Harris Lunch to be held on 24th March 2013.

The format will be as in previous years. An informal lunch followed by an address from the RIBI Vice President Peter King, on Rotary, the challenges, and the exciting developments being put in place to combat them.

The Lunch will be held on 24th March 2013 at the Novotel Hotel, just off the M1/A52 junction in Bastock Lane, Long Eaton.NG10 4EP. Tele: 0115 9465111

We need to gather at 12.00 midday to sit down for lunch at 12.30 prompt.

The lunch menu will be:

  • Broccoli & Stilton soup
  • Roast Loin of Pork In a Bramley apple & cider sauce Seasonal vegetables, roast potatoes
  • Lemon Tart With a raspberry coulis
  • Vegetarian Option available if requested at the time of booking!
  • Three Courses plus coffee & Mints @ £17.50pp

Please book using the form below and return it to Peter at his address in the District Directory, numbers are limited so an early return is recommended.

Many thanks!

2013 Annual Paul Harris Lunch

Attendees Booking Form

Name Associated Club Vegetarian Option


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Dates Fixed For Two Charity Classic Car & Bike Shows

Dates Fixed For Two Charity Classic Car & Bike Shows

The Rotary Club of Chesterfield has announced that its popular Classic Car and Bike Show will be back again this year at Renishaw Hall, near Chesterfield (S21 3WB), and will be held on Wednesday 12 June 2013.

Hundreds of classic cars and bikes are expected for the annual rally which raises thousands of pounds for local charities. The event, which will be open from 3.00pm until 8.00pm, is attended by enthusiasts from all over the region and includes classic cars and bikes from all eras.

Organised each year by the Rotary Club of Chesterfield the three local charities to benefit once again will be Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, and Chesterfield’s Ashgate Hospice.

Main organiser, Stuart Bradley of Stuart Bradley Ltd Jewellers, said:  “Renishaw Hall is the perfect venue for this charitable event which we have run successfully for several years now in support of these important local charities.”

There will be musical entertainment from Direction Theatre Arts, and refreshments will also be available. Admission is £5 a vehicle. For more information contact organiser Rotary past president Stuart Bradley on 01246 222777.

Classic Car Renishaw2

In addition, there is news that the 2013 Ashover Classic Car & Bike Show, organised jointly by the Rotary Clubs of Chesterfield, Chesterfield Scarsdale, Clay Cross and Matlock will be held on Sunday 28 July 2013. For more details go to the website or email

The main sponsor of both these two charity events is Autoworld, one of the leading New and Used Car dealerships in Derbyshire and the Midlands.

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DG Dave’s February Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

2nd February 2013

Club Visioning

It is almost six weeks since my last newsletter which you will recall I sent out early so that you received it before Christmas. Well this one is a few days late, as I have held it back so that I could give an update on the “Club Visioning” Initiative. I have just returned from a District Training Session, led by Peter Davey, the Chair of the RIBI Membership Committee, assisted by Noel Harrison (Sherwood Sunrisers) and Ian Young (Hucknall).
There were ten Rotarians present who have volunteered to act as Visioning Facilitators.

We are only the second District in RIBI to undergo the training and it means that we now have a pool of trained facilitators, all ready and waiting to assist Clubs.

District 1220 is now is a position to roll out Visioning to Clubs and Noel will, within the next few days, be making contact with Club Secretaries, advising them in simple terms of what it is about and offering them the opportunity to apply for it. I would stress that no-one from the District will be suggesting that any particular club should undergo the process. It is entirely up to individual clubs to identify whether or not they think it might be advantageous to them in terms of club programme, public image, project development etc. and thereby, long term, their membership.

Make a point of getting hold of Noel’s information and make sure that your club is therefore aware of what is on offer.

The “End Polio Now” Campaign

Rotary Day is looming large. A number of clubs accepted my offer of purchasing pin-on crocuses for sale inn their area. Many people that I have spoken to over recent weeks however are still either not aware of them or do not understand what they are for.
The basic idea is that just as the poppy is associated with the Royal British Legion and Remembrance Sunday and the daffodil is associated with Marie Curie Cancer Care, then we want the crocus to become associated with Rotary and the “End Polio Now” campaign.

Rotary day on 23rd February is an ideal opportunity to push the crocuses out to your local community. Please let me know if you are interested.

I shall be taking delivery next week of a number of pull-up banners, posters and Rotary newspapers that relate to the “End Polio Now” campaign. These are all excellent PR materials and are available to clubs. If you have any events coming up and can lay on
a display about the campaign please let me know and I will make sure you get the material.

Talking still about the “End Polio Now” campaign, earlier this week Bill Gates delivered the Dimbleby lecture that was featured in full on BBC 1. His speech was all about the need to finish the job of eradicating polio. It was a very stirring speech, in which
he made very positive mention of the valuable contribution that all the members of Rotary International had made towards the campaign. He also stated that he believed that, with appropriate funding, the last case involving the wild polio virus would be achieved by the end of 2015. Time will tell on that, but if anyone is in a position to know, then he is.

Let us in District 1220 do our level best to make an appropriate contribution to the funding shortfall and lets finish the job and move on to the next.


The RIBI Re-Districting Plan that was the subject of much healthy debate towards the end of last year was presented to the RI Board last month and was accepted in it’s entirety. The RIBI team appointed to address this issue will no doubt therefore shortly begin a detailed re-examination of all the various issues to do with the subject and have undertaken to communicate with the membership before any decisions are taken. So watch this space.


Gail and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent Gail their best wishes following her recent fall on the stairs at home. She is now more or less fully recovered and back to chasing me around and keeping me on the straight and narrow.
Thanks again.

Diary Dates

Monday 4th February District Officer Preparation Session at The Novotel. 7pm for 7.15pm
Sunday 17th February Presidents Elect Planning Seminar at The Derbyshire Hotel. 8.45am till 1pm (Bacon sandwiches on arrival)
Tuesday 19th February Group Study Exchange Team leaves for Nepal
Tuesday 26th February Rotary Young Chef Competition. Charnwood Academy Kirkby in Ashfield
Wednesday 27th February — ditto —
Wednesday 13th March District Foundation Link Evening at The Civic Centre Mansfield 7pm for 7.30pm
Sunday 24th March Paul Harris Fellows Lunch
Tuesday 26th March District Quiz Final at Horsley lodge
Wednesday 27th March  District Council Meeting at The Novotel at 7.30pm
Friday 19th April  District Race Night at Southwell
Saturday 20th April  District Assembly  Nottingham Trent University
4th – 6th May  Sponsored Walk from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows by DG and Others
Sunday 16th June  Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Parish Church Church Street Ripley at 3pm. Refreshments afterwards.

DG Dave Ashley

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Derby Rotarian – an example of a very active club

Derby Rotarian – an example of a very active club

Occasionally I am sent copies of the “Derby Rotarian” – the club newsletter for the Rotary Club of Derby. The number of activities never cease to amaze, and so the latest version is attached for your interest.

You can access this in full screen or download to your own machine using the  icon in the top right corner of the preview.



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Rotary 2013 Theme Announced

Rotary 2013 Theme Announced

Announced at the RI Assembly, RI President-elect Ron D.Burton has chosen the theme “ENGAGE ROTARY, CHANGE LIVES” for his year as RI President in 2013-14.

Ron urges every Rotarian to get involved, to get engaged, and to change lives, a perfect transition from my year as president that will continue to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace. Please join me in wishing Ron and Jetta the best of luck during their year.

RI President 2012-13
Sakuji Tanaka

To learn more and listen to /watch President Elect Ron’s address to RI Assembly click on this link

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RIBI Young Citizen – last call for nominations

RIBI Young Citizen – last call for nominations

Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI) celebrates the achievements of young people with the annual RIBI Young Citizen Awards.

Time is running out for nominations.

Fill out the nomination form very soon at and send it with supporting documents to Andy Smith, RIBI headwuarters, Kinwarton Road, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6PB by Thursday 28th February 2013

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Group Study Exchange Team – Presentation rehearsal

The GSE team bound for Nepal had a preparatory presentation recently at Derby University  to members of the GSE committee.  The purpose was to allow the team the opportunity to give their proposed presentation to Rotarians with a view to receiving constructive feedback and so allowing improvements to be made if appropriate.

The presentation last about 35 minutes and was really professionally done.

The Team Leader is Rotarian David Hood of the Rotary Club of Wirksworth and the four team members are:-
Sarah Durnan – sponsored by RC of Newark Castle
Tom Erskine – sponsored by RC of Mapperley and Arnold
Nighat Malik – sponsored by RC of Nottingham
Deborah O’Brien – sponsored by RC of Drone Valley

The team travel out to Nepal on 19th February and thereafter you can follow their activities on their blog –

They have received their programme from Nepal and it seems they will have very little free time.   They are going to be very busy. District Governor Dave wishes them the very best for their visit and look forward to hearing about their exploits on their return.

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Burns Night Celebration Also Helps New Charity

Burns Night Celebration Also Helps New Charity

A traditional social event to celebrate the life of Scottish poet Rabbie Burns has also ended up helping local people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction in the Chesterfield area.

The Rotary Club of Chesterfield held its annual Burns Night Celebration at the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield on Monday 28 January 2013.

Burns Night 2013 016

Past President Jim Savage, president Jim Haggarty (with the haggis), Pipe Major Tom Varley

A ‘Roll-a-Coin’ competition raised £120 for the recently launched local charity ’Hope Springs Recovery Centre’, a support centre based at Springwell House, Newbold Road, Chesterfield, that aims to provide crucial additional support for North Derbyshire people still on the road to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The competition for a bottle of whisky was won by Mrs Ruth Miller.

After the haggis was piped in by Pipe Major Tom Varley, past president Jim Savage made the traditional ‘Address to the Haggis’ by reciting the famous Robert Burns poem. Haggis, accompanied by bashed neeps and champit tatties, was then served to the 100 members and guests in attendance.

Music for dancing at the Burns Night event was provided by Brian Freeman on the keyboards. Main organiser was past president Jim Savage.

Note:  The Hope Springs Recovery Centre was established in December 2012 and is currently open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10.00am to 4.00pm, with plans to extend these hours.  People are welcome to book an appointment or just drop in.  The centre is managed by Rotarian Father Terry O’Doherty of the Chesterfield Rotary Club and the telephone number for the centre is 07583 248161.

Burns Night 2013 028

Past president Jim Savage presents a bottle of whisky to ‘Roll-a-Coin’ winner Mrs Ruth Miller.

If you are interested in joining the Chesterfield Rotary Club please contact Alan Clarke on 01246 811616.


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