
Eckington Charity Classic Car and Bike Show

Eckington Charity Classic Car and Bike Show

Local charities are set to benefit from the ever popular Classic Car and Bike Show which will be held once again at Renishaw Hall, near Chesterfield (S21 3WB), on Wednesday 12 June 2013.

Hundreds of classic cars and bikes are expected for this annual rally which raises thousands of pounds for local charities. The event, which will be open from 3.00pm until 8.00pm, is attended by enthusiasts from all over the region and includes classic cars and bikes from all eras.

Organised each year by the Rotary Club of Chesterfield the three local charities to benefit will be Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, and Chesterfield’s Ashgate Hospice.

Main organiser, Stuart Bradley of Stuart Bradley Ltd Jewellers, said: “Renishaw Hall is the perfect venue for this charitable event which we have run successfully for several years now in support of these important local charities.”

There will be musical entertainment from Direction Theatre Arts, and refreshments will also be available. Admission is £5 a vehicle. For more information contact organiser Rotary past president Stuart Bradley on 01246 222777. or go to .

The main sponsor of this charity event is Autoworld, one of the leading New and Used Car dealerships in Derbyshire and the Midlands.

Membership Note: If you would like to join the Rotary Club of Chesterfield, or one of the other 100-plus Rotary clubs across the Derbyshire, Nottingham, and South Yorkshire area, visit .

Classic Car Renishaw 2

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Southwell Races generates funds for Polio Eradication

Southwell Races generates funds for Polio Eradication

The Southwell Races event proved once again to be an enjoyable evening with six of the seven races sponsored for Polio Eradiacation. The crowd seemed larger than last year but, in fact, we sold only half as many tickets due to a club Charter Dinner on the same evening and  District Assembly being held on the following morning. However, a useful £4,785, including a 15 minute bucket collection of £300, has been sent to Polio Eradication.

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Val breaks through glass ceiling yet again!

Since starting life as a humble PE teacher, Valerie Leivers has become an iconic a beacon of hope for would-be women achievers in male dominated environments.

Her first success was promotion to Head of PE Faculty for both boys and girls – the first female in Nottinghamshire to achieve this.

Val went on to become Deputy Head at Redhill School in Arnold from where she retired due to spinal problems in 1998. After recuperation from four major spinal operations she returned to teaching male prisoners, initially as a volunteer, in Nottingham Prison. She was soon offered a contract and continued to teach literacy and numeracy plus Art for a further 5 years.

Since joining her local Rotary Club (Sherwood Sunrisers in Nottingham) some 19 years ago as a founder member, Val’s great desire to serve the community locally, nationally and internationally has blossomed. She has held many posts of responsibility, including all committee chairmanships, as well as serving as President during 2001 – 2002.

Not satisfied with that, Val went on to progress through numerous different positions, both within her Midlands based Rotary District and nationally. Val was hugely proud to serve as District Governor during 2010 – 2011, breaking no less than 58 years of male domination and becoming the first female to do so!

Val’s achievements within Rotary International have received recognition on many occasions (see below). However, her voluntary activities also extend to other walks of life, including schools and charitable work, both in the UK and abroad.

The crowning glory of Val’s illustrious track record of service is her most recent Rotary Award, “Service Above Self”, from Rotary International Directors for outstanding service, not only in Rotary service but in life in general. As Rotary’s highest honor for individual Rotarians, this award recognizes up to 150 Rotarians annually who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary. Val is the only third female to receive the award in the UK.

PDG Val Leivers receiving her Service Above Self award

PDG Val Leivers receiving her Service Above Self award

Val’s husband, Terry Leivers, comments, ‘Personally, I know exactly how Denis Thatcher felt!’

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DG Dave’s May Newsletter

DG Dave’s May Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

1st May 2013

Sponsored Walk for Bluebell Wood and Rainbows

Well, it’s almost time for the start of the sponsored walk and cycle ride from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows a distance of about 65 to 70 miles in total. Up to about two dozen Rotarians and non Rotarians have signed up to walk or ride at least a part of the way, with about half that number hopefully doing the entire distance.

A number of clubs have already given me donations towards the walk and I know that others intend to do so. Personal sponsorships are also coming in. We do now have a “Just Giving” page on the internet where you may make donations direct. The website is By logging onto this website you can make a donation using a credit or debit card, in complete safety. It will go to Bluebell Wood direct, however, overall the total proceeds will be split evenly between the two hospices.

This week by the way is Childrens’ Hospice Week so there should be lots of publicity about hospices in the media. A good time to add our voice to it. I shall be putting something on my blog at least once a day if not more. Andy Ledbetter from Dronfield is doing Facebook page which he will update several times perday – no doubt reporting on the number of blisters!

I would like to thank everyone who has become involved in any way from planning, donating, walking, meeting us at the end of each day etc etc. I would particularly like to thank my two sons in law Craig McAughtrie and Chris Tatham together with a couple of their friends who are doing a 100 mile sponsored bike ride from Belper, to Bluebell Wood to Rainbows on Monday 6th May, to hopefully meet up with the walkers at the end of the walk. They are raising a lot of money in sponsorship.

If you have not done so already, please make a donation towards this event. Cheques can be sent to me and made payable to “The Rotary Club of Belper and Duffield”.

Handover Lunch

The District Handover lunch this year will be held at the Novotel, Bostocks Lane, Long Eaton on Sunday, 30th June. This is the occasion when I hand over the stewardship of the District into the very capable hands of Rtn Peter Moralee from Bretby Club. Awards etc are also presented to individuals and clubs on this occasion. Please make sure your club is represented. The cost is £16.00 per person.

I have just circulated all clubs & District Team with full details and a booking form. If you do not receive a booking form then please contact me direct.

Rotary & Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service

The annual Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service has been arranged and will take place this year on Sunday, 16th June, 2013 at the Parish Church of All Saints, Church Street, Ripley, Derbyshire at 2.30pm.
I think you will find the service relevant and enjoyable. Refreshments will be served at the back of the church immediately after the service.

I would love to meet as many Rotarians and their families as possible at this service. It is in fact Father’s Day (so I am told) and it would be great to see lots of families present.

The church is more or less in the centre of Ripley and car parking is available either on the market place, which is very close by or there is a further car park on Moseley Street (adjacent to the church). Other car parks are located in various parts of the town centre. Payment unfortunately is required even on a Sunday.

District Conference

Although it seems to me as if we have only just held the last District Conference, the time is fast approaching to be thinking about, if not booking for the next one. The 2013 Conference is being held in Scarborough and as you will know if you attended the recent District Assembly, during the weekend of the conference it is going to rain right across District 1220 and the sun is going to shine in Scarborough. The dates for Conference are Friday, 4th to Sunday 6th October.

I know that DGE Peter and his Conference Director have a lot of new ideas for this year. The entertainment and the speakers that have been booked are first rate and it looks like being a fantastic weekend away. If your club has not yet booked and sorted out its accommodation, then do it straight away.

RIBI – Reorganisation

For those of you who take an interest in national and international issues affecting Rotary, then you will no doubt recall that some time ago a resolution was passed at RIBI level to get rid of the General Council and to replace it with an RIBI Board and a District Governors’ Forum, subject to approval by RI. The vote has just been held at the Council on legislation and the proposal did not receive the necessary two thirds majority and so has been rejected. It is therefore now unlikely that the planned changes will proceed.

I hope to be in a position to give a fuller account of the situation at the next District Council meeting on 13th June.

Diary Dates

3rd – 6th May Sponsored Walk from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows by DG and Others (see above)
Sunday, 5th May District Young Musician Concert at Derby Assembly Rooms
Thursday, 13th June District Council at Novotel, Long Eaton at 7.30pm
Sunday, 16th June Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Parish Church, Church Street, Ripley at 2.30pm. Light refreshments in the church afterwards. (see above)
23rd – 26th June RI Convention at Lisbon, Portugal.
Sunday, 30th June District Handover lunch at Novotel, Long Eaton.
4th – 6th October District Conference at Scarborough

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DG Dave’s April Newsletter

DG Dave’s April Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

1st April 2013

Sponsored Walk for Bluebell Wood and Rainbows

Thanks to all the clubs and individuals, Rotarians and non-Rotarians, who have already sent me sponsorship for the forthcoming Hospice to Hospice Walk (3rd to 6th May 2013). Information Sheets and Sponsorship forms have been distributed to all Rotary Clubs recently both by email and on paper. I look forward to the team of walkers receiving as much support – financial and moral – as possible.
All proceeds will be devoted in equal parts to Bluebell Wood Hospice near Sheffield and Rainbows Hospice at Loughborough. My target is an ambitious £5,000 – please help us to achieve it.

There is a core team of about six or seven Rotarians (including one potential Rotarian ! ) doing the walk which is about 65 miles in length, but we welcome having anyone else come along to join us for any part of the trip. Offer to join us for part of the walk and offers of help are now coming in and we shall start looking for publicity for the event shortly.

Any cheques should be made payable please to “The Rotary Club of Belper and Duffield”. All queries about the walk should be directed to me please.

Diary Dates

Date Event
12th – 14th April RIBI Conference at Harrogate
Friday, 19th April District Race Night at Southwell
Saturday, 20th April District Assembly, Nottingham Trent University
3rd – 6th May Sponsored Walk from Bluebell Wood to Rainbows by DG and Others
Sunday, 5th May District Young Musician Concert at Derby Assembly Rooms
Sunday, 16th June Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Parish Church, Church Street, Ripley at 3pm. Refreshments afterwards. (This is Fathers Day so families are extremely welcome)
23rd – 26th June RI Convention at Lisbon, Portugal

District Quiz

The finals of the District Quiz were Held at Horsley Lodge Golf Course, home of the Rotary Club of Heanor, on Tuesday, 26th March, with the Rotary Club of Bretby coming out as winners for the third year in succession. Many congratulations to Bretby on this achievement. Newark were in second place just one point behind with Sherwood Forest and West Bridgford sharing third place, again, just one point behind Newark.

Mike Storr, Rotary Club of Carlton worked really hard organising this event, writing the questions, preparing the question sheets etc, booking the venue and acting as the quizmaster on the night and he deserves a big “thank-you” for all his efforts. The quiz was a great success and a fantastic evening of Rotary fellowship. I would also like to thank the considerable number of members of the Rotary Club of Heanor and various other people for attending to offer support. It was a great social occassion and one that I shall make a point of going to next year. Congratulations to everyone concerned.

Presidential Citation

Any club that wishes its efforts during this Rotary year to be recognised by Rotary International by virtue of a Presidential Citation should send their completed “Presidential Citation” application form to me by no later than 15th April 2013. Forms were distributed to all Club Presidents prior to the start of the year, together with an explanatory leaflet. If you have mislaid your copy, you can download it from the RI Website. Just type in “Presidential Citation” in the search box and it will bring up all the necessary information.

I know from going round the clubs that many of them have achieved all that is necessary for the Citation. This is the best way of letting RI know that we are working hard in these islands for the good of our local and international communities.

If you have not yet applied, now is the time – Do it now!

District Assembly

The District Assembly will be held at the Clifton Campus of Nottingham Trent University on the morning of Saturday, 20th April 2013. Apart from the initial Plenary Session where we will hear from next year’s District Governor Peter, there are also individual sessions for all club officers (Incoming Presidents, Presidents Elect for 2013/14, Secretaries, Treasurers, Membership, MPRC, International, Community/Vocational, New Generations, Foundation) There is also a session for any new Rotarians, ie those that have joined in the last 12 months or so who would like to know how Rotary ticks.

In a change from previous years and in an effort to gain an insight into how many people will be attending each session, clubs this year are being asked to pre-register. Please make sure you complete the necessary form and return it well in advance of the Assembly and remember to sign in on the day.

John Barker and the Leadership Development and Training Team have been working really hard to make sure that the Assembly is a complete success, but I would just ask you to remember that the facilitators in the groups are just Rotarians like you and me – not necessarily in their comfort zone but doing their best to do a good job for you!

Dave Ashley

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Chesterfield Schools Public Speaking Competition 2013

Chesterfield Schools Public Speaking Competition 2013

The final of the Chesterfield Schools’ Public Speaking Competition 2013 was the highlight of the club’s annual Ladies Day held at the Olde House, Newbold, Chesterfield on Friday 22 March 2013, with the three finalists judged by their audience.

The finalists were Laura Norman and Beatrice Soakell from Netherthorpe School, and Hannah Rodger from St Mary’s High School. Finalist Leroy Wagstaffe of Hasland Hall Community School was unable to attend due to illness. The speeches were amusing, original and delivered with impressive confidence.

Whilst the votes were counted, the former deputy head teacher of Netherthorpe School, Chris Townsend, but now retired, entertained with a witty talk on his involvement with this annual competition over the last 38 years. He revealed that he had originally been tasked with organising Netherthorpe entries following a request from former Chesterfield Rotary past president Ivor Chilcott, who at the time was also the local head of education in the area.

After much deliberation, Beatrice Soakwell, on the topic of grandparents, was awarded the first prize and trophy, but congratulations were given to the two runners-up for delivering well-prepared speeches in a closely fought competition of the highest calibre.

President Jim Haggarty thanked the schools and the teachers for their support and for their work in preparation for the competition. He also thanked Hasland Hall Community School for kindly hosting the preliminary finals on Tuesday 12 March 2013.

President of the Inner Wheel Club of Chesterfield, Adrienne Handley, thanked the Rotary Club on behalf of all ladies and guests present for an excellent event, and added her congratulations to the students taking part in the final.

Past president Bryan White of the club’s Vocational Service group, who had organised the event and introduced each contestant, was thanked for his fine efforts in organising yet another successful event by President Jim Haggarty.

Pictured are winners of the speaking competition 2013

In the picture from left to right:- Chesterfield Inner Wheel Club president Adrienne Handley, runner-up Laura Norman (Netherthorpe), competition winner Beatrice Soakell (Netherthorpe), Chesterfield Rotary Club president Jim Haggarty, runner-up Hannah Rodger (St Marys)

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Carsington Circle Charity Walk

Carsington Circle  Charity Walk

The Rotary Club of Wirksworth

are organising

“Carsington Circle”

Charity Walk

On Sunday 28th April 2013

All proceeds will go to


Come along and enjoy this beautiful 7.5 mile walk around Carsington Water at a wonderful time of year, and help raise money for this deserving cause.

Walkers leave the Visitor Centre between 9.00 and 10.30 a.m. Concessionary parking rates apply.

For sponsorship forms or more information ring 01629 56305 or print a copy from our web site at:

Or just come along on the day and make a donation.

Further details are available from the Club’s website



Image of Carsington Water by Used with restrictions under Creative Commons rights

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Rotary Race Meeting

Rotary Race Meeting

Terry Leivers writes;

As you know the Rotary Race meeting is being held again at Southwell Racecourse on Friday 19 April 2013 with the first race at 4.50pm, gates will be open from 3.30pm. Why not make it your club meeting for that week and bring family and friends?

I now have the Grandstand tickets, usually £11 each, which we are selling for just £5 again, the same as last year. Please make cheques payable to Rotary District 1220 Central account and send them to Terry Leivers, 7 Bestwood Lodge Stables, Nottingham NG5 8ND. Tickets will be posted to you.

If anyone wishes to upgrade to Premier tickets, which are £16, this can be done by purchasing the Grandstand ticket from me and I will leave your name at the gate so that you can upgrade for £5 on the night. Please see the Southwell Racecourse website for details of the advantages of Premier tickets.

Anyone wishing to book a meal in the restaurant is requested to buy tickets from me then book a table direct with the racecourse advising that they already have a Grandstand ticket and wish to upgrade.
The message is please get your tickets from me first please!

For those who have not been before it really is a fun event with plenty of eating outlets at the course.

We have sponsored 6 of the 7 races so if your club or anyone you know would like to sponsor a race please ask them to contact me.

We ask sponsors to pay £500 of which £325 plus £65 VAT, i.e.£390 goes to the race course and £110 to Polio Eradication. VAT registered businesses can reclaim the £65 VAT so the cost to them is just £435. It is a good package of benefits with a full page of advertising in the programme, the race named after them, 6 Premier tickets and present the prize and have a drink with the winning owner after the race. We do have sponsors who choose to donate more than the £500 minimum too.

I hope that we repeat the tremendous response we had last year when we sold over 1,500 tickets and donated £9,000 to Polio Eradication on the night.

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Wollaton Park Charity Golf Day July 12th 2013

Wollaton Park Charity Golf Day July 12th 2013

Wollaton Park Rotary Club have organised a golf event for the past six years, with the generous support of participants and sponsorship, and have raised in excess of £32,000 for a wide variety of Charities.

They hope to be able to gain your support this year. The event is on Friday 12th July 2013. You may wish to enter a team. Alternatively there are a number of ways that you could assist. These include company sponsorship or advertising in the brochure or for individuals to donate a prize or cash.

We have been fortunate, again, to secure the services of Wollaton Park Golf Club, one of the most picturesque golf courses in Nottingham. This is set in parkland overlooked by the beautiful 16th century Wollaton Hall. Red and Fallow deer roam freely and are often seen on the course. This presents an ideal venue for a great day’s golf.

Please visit the Club’s website for a flyer and entry/sponsorship application form.

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