
Framework 2013 Big Sleep Out

Keith Turney attended Framework 2013 Big Sleep Out on the 28th November 2013 in Sneinton Square. Keith Turney was representing Keyworth and Ruddington Rotary Club. Enclosed is Keith’s account of the evening:

My Prize Winning Structure at the Big Sleep Out

Keith Turney in 'Box Factor'

Keith Turney in ‘Box Factor’

The theme of Framework’s sleep out this year was ‘Covent Garden’ and I made the effort to join in. Covent Garden is famous for two things, the Opera and its fruit market. Don’t worry it was the fruit market theme I pursued. I left the Opera to a trio of talented ladies who entertained us all with unaccompanied recitals using their classically trained voices. For my part I could empty the square with my pub singing efforts.

I made the effort to join in the Box Factor Challenge and my fruit stall turned out to be a prize winner! but bear in mind my den’s ‘Prize Winning Status’ for later on! Being an entrepreneur I made an effort to win a prize and I was glad to learn that you could begin your efforts off site (it’s in the rules). The evening before the sleep out I constructed what I considered to be a sturdy double skin box which was even reinforced by ribs made out of tightly rolled cardboard bound by masking tape. I even added a user friendly detail, if you had read my article last year you will remember I woke up realising my glasses had fallen from where I had perched them and had joined me in the sleeping bag. I did manage to retrieve them intact but I could not rely on such luck again. A design detail brought about by experience resulted in a ‘glasses shelf’ being installed to the back wall of the den. Ribs in place I then constructed the roof of the stall. This too was double skinned and was ribbed to stop it sagging and, of course, it had some weight. Before constructing the supporting legs I gingerly placed the roof onto the box base. My spirits were crushed as the square opening to the box den took on a parallelogram shape in slow motion. Being on my own I could not retrieve the roof quickly enough without distorting or damaging the box section and the ribs were parting from the inside wall. As well as placing too much demand on my construction the cardboard was beginning to weaken as it absorbed moisture from the evening air. Needless to say that concluded my efforts for that evening, and my comments as I switched off the lights were certainly not of self congratulation!

During the following day which was in fact the day of the sleep out, I was on business in North Yorkshire and was very conscious of my half collapsed efforts. One of my visits involved visiting one of my gangs working on site. I am still wondering if my startled client actually understood what I was planning to undertake after I asked him if I could help myself to the cardboard from behind the wheelie bins. With the back of my car crammed with cardboard I headed for home hoping my additional materials and the modification I had in mind would provide me with a viable structure for the event. I reinforced the base with lathes of timber (I know it’s not cardboard, but that had failed remember, only the original bearded one could walk on water and make soggy cardboard stand upright)! Gingerly and with help this time, and after installing the uprights which were a complication in their own right we lifted the roof onto the base and thankfully there was no failure. We dismantled the construction and then borrowed a truck from work to transport it to site. The fruit? (You will remember the theme was Covent Garden) Well, bless Google images, one chooses a fruit and calls it wallpaper and you get a choice of wall to wall lemons, strawberries and so on. The stall is a cardboard replica, I am assuming I was not expected to provide anything other than paper fruit!

It had been a long day up to the point we arrived at the Sleep Out camp just 5 minutes after the gates had officially opened. I spent the evening being snapped with cameras and mobile phones and I even went onto one or two Facebook pages. I wondered if I was going viral. (In my youth in the 70s I would not have admitted to that in case my contemporaries thought it was anti social and/or catching, surprising how the platelets of the English Language move) However, apart from being the object of some attention more rewarding, as in previous Sleep Outs, was the camaraderie which is obvious within the camp. We are there to benefit those whose luck is low or even nonexistent, but we also gain. Wandering around we talk, sometimes being surprised at what mutual friendships we have. There are a lot of young girls there dressed in their ‘Onesies’ and behaving as if they are on a ‘Sleep ‘Over’ not ‘Sleep Out’. I have seen these sights each year, all I can say is these girls are harder than they look and they do the distance along with those of us who are attired for a Polar Expedition. My neighbour was a young woman who, like others, was repaying Framework for the time it provided her with accommodation when she needed it. It would be unfair to repeat what she told me and I will not give her name, but she now lives in a far nicer neighbourhood than she began life and supports her son and is now an employer. She had raised over £550.00 via her Facebook page. It is important to remember that those who benefit from Framework are just like you and I but often have no support network which most of us would assume would be there for anybody. There is also another important item in our lives which we take for granted and which I will describe towards the end of this article. Then came the prize giving and I won the ‘Box Factor’.

I was awarded with a No 7 Toiletries Pack. For those who do not know what that is it contains a face scrub and after shave and such like. I am the original hippy so my 15 year old grandson became the ultimate beneficiary, and he thinks I am ‘well cool’. Earlier I asked you to remember that my effort won a prize. I am from the construction trade and as anybody in the construction trade will tell you, Award Winning Designs can prove to have useless practical detailing. At 3.30 a.m. I understood the original meaning of the term ‘well cool’.

View from within the den with no door

View from within the den with no door

Because I had not provided a front door to my den, (in previous years my constructions resembled mounds which were ‘closed off’ after I crawled in and were therefore warmer or less cold to be in) the searching early morning late autumn breeze regularly washed over my face, even with my head at the far end of the den from the opening, but I was tired so tried to ’sleep it out’. I slept , woke, slept, then came a period when for an hour I put off a visit to the loo, hanging on to my tiredness in order to gain more sleep, necessary to get me through the following day (later on that day I should say!). The moment came when the visit to the loo could not be put off any longer and I knew that when I was up I would be up for the day.

At 4.30 a.m. three of us stood shivering at the tea/sandwich caravan. The camaraderie is even strong at this time and we make a laugh of it. “A bacon sandwich, tea and a hot water bottle” I order, the others laugh in sympathy “I can do the bacon sandwich and the tea my sweet”. This lovely woman was good natured last night and having had no sleep because her role was to be available for nourishment throughout the night, remains nice natured, (not natural if you ask me) “That will have to do” I reply.

Fortified and slightly warmed by our early breakfast we are talking when suddenly the shape and the direction of the gust of wind raises and lowers discarded polystyrene cups and paper from the night before. There was a sea wave of vulnerable looking polythene and tarpaulin coverings and some corners strained and began to fail. A site wide groan soon followed this gust, and so too were some half asleep screams as a number thought their dens were about to fail around them. “That woke a few” I commented. 15 minutes later there is a constant slamming of sprung loaded portaloo doors being let go as the occupant perhaps now more awake than when they went in gingerly re-entered the outside air, drawing their bedding up as far as their chins and around them as they walked around the square. By 5 a.m. there was a long queue for the sandwich and tea caravan. The square was awake! Social groups sat in circles cross legged in their torn dens waiting for 7 a.m. to come, the official end of the sleep out, quieter than the night before but having completed a mission.

My prize winning structure being recycled in the morning

My prize winning structure being recycled in the morning

I will be at the Sleep Out again next year. So why do I want to do it? For the crack to begin with, but my neighbour for the evening reminded me of a reason. I am a male, and therefore familiar with the loss of my keys, and like most males I don’t know what agency is responsible for hiding them, I never find them where I last left them (who is pig headed – moi?) Losing keys can be infuriating. The temperament is not helped when your beloved comes out with that immortal phrase which must exist through different languages and cultures, “where did you last see them?” For the sake of decency I will paraphrase the usual reply “If I knew the answer to that my dear, I would not be asking…..WOULD I?’ But occasionally some of us have lost our keys and it is upsetting. It is as if you had provided uninvited access for somebody into the world which you cherish, your fort against the outside world. Imagine though that you do not possess a front door key, that you have no place to think, to rest, no nest. Worse, imagine you have children who need you for support, guidance and nourishment and you cannot provide that.

Framework is about supporting those who, through no fault of their own, find themselves without something, or about to lose something which gives the rest of us that mental base, a place where we can make our plans, recharge our batteries, laugh, cry, relax, decorate according to your taste, a place you can organise in your own way, a space where you form and nourish your identity and to have your own thoughts in private, that place is the home. What if you have no home and no key to symbolise this. A key is about dignity as well as about the necessary material things a person or a family needs.

I will end with Framework’s own tag line. “I slept out and raised money in order that others don’t have to”.

Posted in: Keyworth and Ruddington

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Chesterfield Citizens of the Year

Pictured from left to right: Gerrard and Julie Wood (managers of the Olde House), Chesterfield Rotary president Mike Cudzich-Madry, Ray Wheeler, regional area manager for Marstons Brewery

Pictured from left to right: Gerrard and Julie Wood (managers of the Olde House), Chesterfield Rotary president Mike Cudzich-Madry, Ray Wheeler, regional area manager for Marstons Brewery

The managers of the Olde House Pub and Hotel at Newbold are the Citizens of the Year for 2013. Gerrard and Julie Wood received the award from the Rotary Club of Chesterfield for their excellent charitable work not only in support of the Rotary Club’s charities, but also the help they give each year to the East Derbyshire Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline, to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, and other good causes.

Members gave a standing ovation when the Citizen of the Year Award was presented to the deserving couple by the Rotary president Mike Cudzich-Madry in a special ceremony at the Rotary club meeting held at the Olde House on Friday 8 November 2013. Also in attendance was Ray Wheeler, regional area manager for Marstons Brewery, the UK’s leading independent brewing and pub retailing business.

In response, Gerrard Wood thanked the Rotary Club of Chesterfield and highlighted how delighted he and his wife were to receive the Award.

He said: “We are honoured to receive this recognition as we have great respect for all the good work that Rotary does. Since taking over management of the Olde House nearly nine years ago we have been keen to support local charitable causes as this is also consistent with the ongoing community objectives of Marstons Brewery, the owners of the Olde House Pub and Hotel.”

Olde House Hotel

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Record Breaking Poetry Readers

Poetry reading in Chesterfield was the focus when children from local junior schools took part in Rotary’s annual Chesterfield Junior School’s Poetry-Reading Competition.  Staged for the 26th consecutive year by the Rotary Club of Chesterfield, the event was hosted this year by Calow Primary School and held on Wednesday 23 October 2013.

A record fifteen contestants took part from five local schools, which were Abercrombie Primary School, Brimington Junior School, Calow Primary School, Duckmanton Primary School, and Hady Primary School.

The winner was 10 year old Christopher Chiad from Hady Primary School with his rendition of Roald Dahl’s poem ‘The Centipede Song’. Runners-up, also from Hady Primary School, were Isobel Woolley with ‘The Adventures of Isobel’ by Ogden Nash and Melissa Moxon with ‘The Visitor’ by Ian Serraillier. 

from left to right:  Rotarian Ian Gordon, Rotary President Mike Cudzich-Madry, Inner Wheel past president Margaret Mitchell and president Ann Elliott, with winner Christopher Chiad (front centre) and runners-up Melissa Moxon (left) and Isobel Woolley.

from left to right: Rotarian Ian Gordon, Rotary President Mike Cudzich-Madry, Inner Wheel past president Margaret Mitchell and president Ann Elliott, with winner Christopher Chiad (front centre) and runners-up Melissa Moxon (left) and Isobel Woolley.

President Mike Cudzich-Madry who presented the prizes is himself a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.  He spoke highly about the standard of entry and the confidence of the youngsters. He said: “Taking part in competitions like this will help the youngsters with their communication skills should they choose to go to university in the future.”

The three judges were Chesterfield Rotary vocational service chairman Ian Gordon and president Ann Elliott and past-president Margaret Mitchell of the Inner Wheel Club of Chesterfield. The main organizer and compere was Chesterfield Rotary past-president David Windle.

Chesterfield Inner Wheel president Anne Elliott, who felt it was an honour to be a judge, praised the teachers and parents for supporting the children in their quest to read poetry.  She told the audience: “I am amazed at the talent so the choice of a winner was difficult due to the high standard of the entrants.”

She added that: “There are no losers here as all the children have gained by the experience.”

Group picture of all the entrants, judges, and organisers

Group picture of all the entrants, judges, and organisers



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Quiz Night and Buffet Supper


are holding a Quiz night and buffet supper on Friday 15th November 2013

at the Medway Centre, Bakewell, DE45 1DY
7.00 for 7.30p.m.

Teams of four required @£24 per team
For further information please contact John Robinson on 01629 813407 or E mail:

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Swimathon Raises Over £2,000 For Kids With Cancer

A Swimathon by a retired school-teacher has raised over £2,000 to help kids with cancer..

David Windle, aged 69 from Newbold, and a past president of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield, has raised the money for the Chesterfield based charity Kids ‘N’ Cancer UK by swimming a marathon length 26 miles 385 yards.

His sponsored swim took place over the week 7-11 October 2013 when he swam 3,516 lengths of the pool at Ringwood Hall Hotel Health & Fitness Suite in a total time of 16 hours 56 minutes.


David Windle being congratulated on his achievement by his wife Jenny Windle and Chesterfield Rotary Club president nominee Geoff Mitchell

David Windle said: “I am absolutely delighted that thanks to some wonderful support I have now exceeded my initial target and have so far raised £2,300 for the charity.”

Although Kids ‘N’ Cancer UK is currently organising one of the biggest fund-raising events to hit the town in September 2014, with the very first Chesterfield & Derbyshire Marathon, David Windle chose to make his fund-raising contribution by swimming a similar length instead of running.

David Windle explained: “I am stronger at swimming that running so decided to raise funds for the charity with a sponsored swim rather than a sponsored run and am really pleased to have completed the swim in a personal best time.”

He added: “I raised over £1,000 with a sponsored swim of a similar distance a few years ago in support of Rotary’s ongoing worldwide Polio Plus campaign, which aims to rid the world of polio, but despite being a few years older I was actually quicker this time round.”

David Windle explained that he felt compelled to help the charity in its efforts to support children and their families who have a variety of problems associated with cancer after hearing about the charity from founder Mike Hyman

Kids ’N’ Cancer UK is a charity designed to help children in the UK receive life-saving Proton Therapy treatment for their cancers and tumours. As some children diagnosed with cancer do not qualify in certain situations for funding by the NHS, the charity and its patrons assist families caught up in this sad situation of not meeting the criteria.

For more details about David Windle’s sponsored swim, and to make a donation, go to


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Viva Las Vegas Ball

The Rotary Club of Retford invite you to their

Viva Las Vegas Ball

In aid of Bassettlaw Hospice
and other Rotary Club of Retford Charities

Saturday 16th November 2013
Drinks reception 6:30pm
Dinner 7:30pm
Carriages: 1:00am


Ye Olde Bell Hotel, Barnby Moor, DN22 8QS

Please see the attached leaflet for booking details

Download (PDF, 342KB)

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Church Wilne Horse Ride raises over £6,000 for the Air Ambulance

RC Church Wilne’s  first Horse Ride was in 2005 and every year since we have seen a significant sum raised for our designated charity. This year the Air Ambulance was chosen and with over 200 riders and horses taking place, we managed a new record total for the event.

The Air Ambulance is always a very popular charity to support and many people gave extra donations on the day. As in previous years the course consists of bridleway, road and farmland not normally available to the public through scenic Locko Park, Dale Abbey, Spondon and Ockbrook.

Read more about the Air Ambulance


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Sponsored Swim To Help Kids With Cancer Brought Forward

A swimathon by a retired school-teacher to help kids with cancer has been brought forward because his training regime in the build-up has gone so well.

David Windle, aged 69 from Newbold, and a past president of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield, is raising vital funds for the Chesterfield based charity Kids ‘N’ Cancer UK by swimming a marathon length 26 miles 385 yards. His sponsored bid will now take place over the week 7-11 October 2013 at Ringwood Hall Hotel Health & Fitness Centre instead of two weeks later as originally planned over the week 21-25 October. So far over £500 has been raised.

Eager David Windle said: “For the last month I have been training four hours a day, everyday, and as I am now ready to go I have brought my swimathon attempt forward to start two weeks earlier from Monday 7 October.”

He added: “I am really looking forward to the swim and am so very grateful to all those who are sponsoring me as this is really all about helping children with cancer.”

David Windle

Although Kids ‘N’ Cancer UK is currently organising one of the biggest fund-raising events to hit the town in June 2014 with the very first Chesterfield & Derbyshire Marathon, David Windle has chosen to do his fund-raising now by swimming a similar length instead of running.

David Windle said:- “I feel I am stronger at swimming that running so decided to raise funds for the charity with a sponsored swim rather than a sponsored run.”

He added: “I raised over £1,000 with a sponsored swim a few years ago in support of Rotary’s ongoing worldwide Polio Plus campaign, which aims to rid the world of polio and, whilst I am still fit enough, I want to do my bit this time to help children with cancer.”

Charity founder Mike Hyman explained: “Kids ’N’ Cancer UK is a charity designed to help children in the UK receive life-saving Proton Therapy treatment for their cancers and tumours.  As some children diagnosed with cancer do not qualify in certain situations for funding by the NHS, the charity and its patrons are determined to assist families caught up in this sad situation of not meeting the criteria, and we will always try to assist families where possible.”

Mike Hyman added: “We are very grateful to David, and all our other fundraisers, as their efforts help towards making our mission possible.”

For more details about David Windle’s sponsored swim, and to make a donation, go to   Details about the charity



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Pool Party raises funds for D.A.R.E.

Over £1,000 was raised in aid of D.A.R.E. ( Drug Abuse Resistance Education) by the Rotary Club of Ravenshead and Blidworth at a Pool Party organised at their home by Drs Raj and Qudsia Chandran.

Through the D.A.R.E programme, every year, over 7,000 Nottinghamshire school children are taught the competencies and skills they need to live safe, healthy and productive lives in a world where drugs are commonplace.

Pictured are Dr Raj Chandran who organised the event, Ravenshead and Blidworth President Mike Lee and Richard Goad of D.A.R.E.

Pictured are Dr Raj Chandran who organised the event, Ravenshead and Blidworth President Mike Lee and Richard Goad of D.A.R.E.

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