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DG Dave’s January Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

22nd December 2012


As I make a start on this Newsletter on 22nd December and look back over the last six months I realise just what a contribution Rotary makes to our communities, locally, nationally and internationally. I have attended so many activities that I have lost count – and been invited to many more that I have not been able to attend. Gail and I have had a thoroughly fantastic time. Yes, there are downs as well as ups, but overall what I have seen from the 58 Clubs in District 1220 has been very positive.

We are now half way through this Rotary year and shortly to start the “downhill run home” so to speak. During the next few months the annual round of training and familiarisation for incoming District Officers, Club Presidents and Club Officers will get under way, re-enforcing our cyclical approach to Rotary.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped me in any way during my period in office so far.

Club Visioning

Following the item about Club Visioning in my November Newsletter, Noel Harrison (Membership) and I were extremely pleased and impressed by the number of Rotarians who came forward to volunteer their time, expertise and vocational abilities to act as members of the Visioning Team. As a direct result we now have sufficient volunteers to get their training off the ground and plans are being made for this to take place very early in the new year.

Many thanks to all those who stepped forward. Let’s hope that their time and effort is not wasted.

If you believe that your club could benefit from the impetus of chance that Club Visioning will bring about, then now is the time to make your case to Noel. I believe that so many Clubs are now looking critically at themselves with a with to improving, updating and recruiting that there is likely to be competition be be among the first few clubs to benefit from this scheme. So, please get in early if you are interested.

Rotary Day – 23rd February 2013

The District has not made any grand plans to celebrate Rotary Day on 23rd February. We have left it for each Club to take whatever steps it feels are appropriate for the event. I do still have left quite a number of spare boxes of pin-on crocuses that can be used in street or supermarket collections etc. The suggested minimum donation being £1 this would give a 75 pence per crocus profit. It is hoped that this symbol of polio eradication will become as common as the daffodil is for Marie Curie etc.

The crocuses will not achieve a profit in my garage and so I would dearly like to get them all out to clubs during the next month. If you would like a box please let me know and I will make the appropriate arrangements.

Diary Dates

Monday 4th February 2013 District Officer Preparation Session at The Novotel 7pm for 7.15pm
Sunday 17th February 2013 Presidents Elect Planning Seminar at The Derbyshire Hotel  8.45am till 1pm (Bacon sandwiches on arrival)
Wednesday 13th March 2013 District Foundation Link Evening at The Civic Centre Mansfield 7pm for 7.30pm
Sunday 24th March 2013 Paul Harris Fellows Lunch
Wednesday 27th March 2013 District Council Meeting at The Novotel 7.30pm
Sunday 16th June 2013 Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Parish Church Church Street Ripley at 3pm. Refreshments afterwards.

Christmas and New Year Greetings

Having kept my Newsletter deliberately short this month, may I please close it by taking the opportunity on behalf of Gail, myself and the rest of the clan who came to Southport (Sarah, Craig, Xanthe, Sebastian, Nicola, Chris, Maddie and Francesca) to wish all Rotarians in District 1220 and their wider families a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

In the midst of all the celebrations, let us not forget what Christmas is really about – give a thought to the real meaning of Christmas.

See you all in the New Year

Dave Ashley

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Christmas comes early for Barrow Hill Primary School

The Rotary Club of Chesterfield has provided Barrow Hill Primary School with a top-of-the-range Yamaha Clavinova Digital Piano for use by the school, thanks to the generosity of one of its members, past president Kuttaiba Mohamad.

It was delivered to the school on Monday 3 December 2012 by president Jim Haggarty, assisted by past presidents Mike Horton and Geoff Mitchell, in time for the school’s Christmas festivities.

Head teacher Karen Porteous said: “We really do appreciate the generosity of the Rotary Club of Chesterfield in donating this superb Yamaha digital piano which will be such a wonderful asset for years to come for the school and its pupils.”

Karen added: “This is not just any old piano, but it recreates a wide range of other instruments as well, including percussion.”

“Not surprisingly the piano now takes pride of place in the school hall, so thank you Rotary.”

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DG Dave’s December Newsletter

Dave’s Diary 

The Monthly Newsletter of the District Governor

30th November 2012


Perhaps I am getting paranoid but I seem to be eating, drinking and sleeping Re- Districting. As you are aware “Version 3” of the Re-Districting proposals were circulated to clubs recently, leaving very little time for them to be properly considered before I had to take the views of Clubs in the District to The RIBI General Council for a vote on the subject on 26th November.

Realising that time was limited I informed clubs that if I did not hear anything from them to the contrary before attending General Council, I would take this as a vote for the plan. Several clubs did in fact send me responses, all of which were favourable to the plan. My thanks to them for this.

At the General Council the proposal was fully debated (some may say over debated !) and a vote was taken as to whether that Version should be accepted and forwarded to RI. At the conclusion of the debate there was an overwhelming vote in favour of the proposals, including “Phase 2” of the plan. In the end I voted in favour of the proposals.

This plan will now be forwarded to RI for their consideration in January.

Club Visioning

Over the last ten years, membership of Rotary within RIBI has fallen by over 10%. At the same time our age profile has been increasing year on year. Whilst we have been quite robust in our recruitment of new Rotarians this has not kept pace with the rate of people leaving the organisation. This situation is not unique to these islands. It has been happening elsewhere in the world.

In an attempt to reverse this trend, during the last few years a process called “Club Visioning” has been used in a number of countries including Australia, the United States and France. In these countries it has been successful in making clubs more vibrant, more attractive to potential new members and has given existing members a new “buzz”. It has driven up recruitment and at the same time reduced losses of existing members.

This process is now being made available within RIBI and I have indicated that I would like clubs in District 1220 to take it up if they feel that it might help them to overcome problems that they may be experiencing. A number of clubs have already expressed an interest in it.

In order to take it forward we need, as a matter of urgency, to set up a team of Rotarians to implement it. Such Rotarians ideally would fulfil the following criteria:-

  • Have time available to devote to it (up to 2 – 3 hours per week)
  • Be flexible in the times they can devote (different clubs – different times of day)
  • Prepared to attend a Training Session for the scheme (venue to be decided)
  • Able to commit to the process for a period of at least one to two years
  • Some experience preferred of presentation and/or facilitation skills
  • Some experience of interview techniques would be an advantage
  • Be able to start early in 2013
  • Most importantly – a positive outlook and a desire to help Rotary succeed.

If you have the qualities that we are looking for, or if indeed you are willing to learn and want to help, please contact Rtn. Noel Harrison (details in Directory) asap – in fact NOW.

Diary Dates

Sunday, 9th December 2012 Rotary and Inner Wheel Carol service at St. Peter’s Church, Ravenshead at 3pm
Tuesday, 11th December 2012 District Council Meeting at Novotel, Long Eaton at 7.30pm
Monday, 4th February 2013 District Officer Training Session at The Novotel at 7pm for 7.15pm
Sunday, 17th February 2013 Presidents Elect Training at The Derbyshire Hotel (morning)
Wednesday, 13th March 2013 District Foundation Link Evening at The Civic Centre, Mansfield at 7pm for 7.30pm
Sunday, 24th March 2013 Paul Harris Fellows Lunch
Wednesday, 27th March 2013 District Council Meeting at The Novotel at 7.30pm
Sunday, 16th June 2013 Rotary and Inner Wheel Thanksgiving Service at All Saints parish Church, Church Street, Ripley at 3pm. Refreshments afterwards

Sponsored Walk by District Governor and others – “H2H Walk”

In order to support Bluebell Wood Hospice and Rainbows Hospice I am planning to do a sponsored walk from Bluebell Wood in South Sheffield to Rainbows in Loughborough. The planned dates are Friday 3rd May 2013 to Monday 6th May 2013 (May Day Bank Holiday). The District Sergeant at Arms, Owen Briggs, and others have already committed to joining me. Any other Rotarians (or indeed non-Rotarians) are welcome to join us, either for the whole walk or just for a part of it. We shall be finalising and circulating the route shortly.

I have set myself a target of raising £5,000 from the walk. The idea is to ask some clubs to hold events along the route of the walk as we pass through their area, mainly during the evenings on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th but at other times as well if they fit the walk route.

Would anyone who wants to assist in any way, either walking, organising an event,or in any other way please drop me an email to

Let’s just hope for dry weather

I have donations of £750 each for the two hospices. Should any club wish to have talks from either hospice or want to make a donation then the contact numbers are for Rainbows – Rtn Caroline Rossin of Newark Castle Club and for Bluebell Wood -Emma Vizor on 07899 845831 or 01909 517368.

Rotary Foundation

Just a quick reminder please to clubs that donations to Rotary Foundation and to the Polio appeal are still urgently needed. Please don’t ignore our own charity that does so much good in the world or the campaign to eradicate polio. I now have boxes of 50 or 100 pin on crocuses for clubs to sell. They cost £12.50p and £25 each respectively and the suggested minimum donation per crocus is £1. That gives a profit to Foundation of £75 on a box of 100. I shall be bringing those that have been ordered and the spare ones to the District Council meeting on 11th December.

Dave Ashley

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Foundation Link Evening 2013

Foundation Link Evening – Wednesday 13 March 2013

Change of date and venue

The date and venue of this very popular annual event has been changed from the one previously circulated to Wednesday 13 March 2013 at Mansfield Civic Centre to accommodate the expected numbers.

It promises to be a memorable evening being the very last of its type due to the forthcoming changes in Foundation programmes. After an excellent meal Colin Slater from the BBC will be interviewing our last four Ambassadorial Scholars from Japan, Switzerland and the USA and a Peace Scholar from Fiji plus other alumni.

I have negotiated a good deal with the main course of roast lamb rump alone usually being £17.50 but our all inclusive cost is just £20 per head!

On this evening we are celebrating our very active involvement with the Rotary Foundations Ambassadorial Scholarship and Group Study Exchange programme over many years and ask clubs to consider making it their club meeting for the week and bring partners to the celebration. All District 1220 Foundation Alumni will receive an invitation too.

Full details will be circulated early in 2013.

Terry Leivers – District Foundation Chairman


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Dovedale Dipper by Rotary Club of Matlock

The 11th Rotary Club of Matlock  Dovedale Dipper Challenge and Dovedale Dipper Ramble  will be held on Sunday 4th August 2013  in aid Of Cerebal Palsy Sport.  Please go to the website for an entry form and/or to contact the event organiser.

Cerebral palsy affects around one in every 400 births and can be caused from lack of oxygen at birth, damage to the developing foetus, a viral infection, certain drugs or poor nutrition. It is the most common form of severe disability amongst children worldwide. The number of babies born with cerebral palsy is not declining.

Cerebral Palsy Sport is the sports organisation for people with cerebral palsy, providing sporting opportunities to individuals of all ages and at all levels from the recreational right through to paralympic competition.

It is also an advisory agency for disability sport issues and is recognised and respected within the international arena.

Cerebral Palsy Sport’s primary aim is to attract more people to become involved in sporting activities for the pursuit of excellence or for fun and enjoyment. Among the activities covered by CP Sport are athletics, boccia, bowls, football, swimming and table cricket.


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Hucknall Team Win 31st Annual Disabled Games

President of the Rotary Club of Hucknall, Ian Young writes;

I was there, not for the whole weekend due to other Rotary commitments, but I was able to witness and support over 250 athletes competing in the renowned Rotary Disabled Sports Team Championships in Coventry this last weekend, as Rotary did its bit to find the paralympians of the future.
You can imagine how thrilled I was to receive a telephone call from PP Peter Pickering on Sunday evening to let me know that Hucknall’s entrants had created history.

The elated team from Hucknall were crowned overall winners after taking gold in the men’s weights and triathalon and podium finishes in other events as well as receiving the most improved team award. They defeated the outgoing champions South Yorks & Lincs who were aiming for a hat-trick of victories after winning in 2010 & 2011. The Rotary Club of Hucknall has entered a team for the last 23 years, and this year’s team comprising of young athletes from Portland College was the first Hucknall team to take top honours.

It was a closely fought contest but Team Hucknall were declared the overall winners with 245 points, with Team Leicester in second place, taking home 241 points and Team Rugby in third with a healthy score of 223 points.

The annual sports competition, organised and sponsored by the five Rotary clubs in Coventry and supported by clubs across England, saw hundreds of spectators packing out the Xcel Leisure Centre in Canley on Saturday 10 November and Sunday 11 November.

The 10 teams of competitors, who have physical and learning disabilities, came from Avon, Coventry, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hucknall, Leicestershire, Rugby, South Yorkshire/ Lincolnshire, Wakefield, and Warwickshire,
Now in its 31st year, the Championships featured 13 disciplines: new age kurling, table tennis, table tennis for those with learning disabilities, rifle shooting, boccia team, boccia individual, darts, male weight lifting, female weight lifting, team pitstop, swimming, triathlon and the slalom.

The Xcel Leisure Centre in Canley, which opened in June 2008, is part of the South West Coventry regeneration scheme and largely administered by local Rotarians. The £9m centre has been hailed as the ‘flagship’ for the regeneration scheme that has been designed with the needs of the local community in mind. It is one of 3 that make up the Coventry Sports Foundation, a charity where direction provided by Coventry Rotarian Directors has created superb facilities, not just sport, in under-privileged areas of the City.


For more photographs click here: The 31st English Disabled Sports Team Championship

To find out more about the event, visit the organisers website


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Rotary Race Meeting 2013

Following the huge success of the Rotary Races event in May we are delighted to announce that we are repeating it in 2013! Why not make this event your club meeting for the week?

All proceeds from the sale of Rotary admission tickets, just £5 each, will be donated to End Polio Now on behalf of Rotary District 1220. We are also looking for race sponsors at £500, the race will be appropriately named and sponsors will have Premier tickets and present the trophy to the race winners.

For further information please contact Michael Longdon (West Ashfield). Tickets will be available early in March.

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